A Greater Tel-Aviv Area Seminar
Leo Reyzin@TAU
TCC 2012
Yael Kalai: Cryptography with Tamperable and Leaky Memory
Cryptography with Tamperable and Leaky Memory
Speaker: Yael Kalai, MSR New England
A large and growing body of research has sought to secure cryptographic systems against physical attacks.
Motivated by real-world physical attacks on memory, an important line of work was initiated by Akavia, Goldwasser, and
Vaikuntanathan [AGV09], where security is sought under the assumptions that (1) all memory is leaky, and
(2) leakage can be an arbitrary (efficient) shrinking function of the memory.
Ran Canetti: Adaptive Hardness and Concurrent Security in the Plain Model from Standard Assumptions
Speaker: Ran Canetti
12pm, TAU (Schreiber 210)
Ron Rothblum: Homomorphic Encryption: from Private-Key to Public-Key
Homomorphic Encryption: from Private-Key to Public-Key
Speaker: Ron Rothblum, Weizmann
Tal Malkin: Efficient Block-Wise PKE with Key Dependent Message Security under Flexible SLP-Queries
Efficient Block-Wise PKE with Key Dependent Message Security
under Flexible SLP-Queries
Yuval Ishai: How to Garble Arithmetic Circuits
Yao's garbled circuit construction transforms a boolean circuit C : {0,1}^n --> {0,1}^m into a "garbled circuit" C' along with n pairs of k-bit keys, one for each input bit, such that C' together with the n keys corresponding to an input x reveal C(x) and no additional information about x. The garbled circuit construction is a central tool for constant-round secure computation and has several other applications.
Gilad Asharov: Towards a Game Theoretic View of Secure Computation
Speaker: Gilad Asharov, BIU
Title: Towards a Game Theoretic View of Secure Computation
Yehuda Lindell: Highly-Efficient Universally-Composable Commitments based on the DDH
Speaker: Yehuda Lindell
Title: Highly-Efficient Universally-Composable Commitments based on the DDH