(See note about location below)
Adi Shamir, Weizmann Institute of Science
How to Reach Unreachable Computers
Highly sensitive computers are usually unreachable in the sense that they are located in isolated facilities surrounded by armed guards, and are not connected to the internet or to any other external communication networks. In addition, they are protected from standard side channel attacks by receiving their electricity from local generators and by being surrounding by Faraday cages to prevent any leakage of electromagnetic radiation. The holy grail of cyber attacks is to find a way to reach such unreachable computers. In this talk, I will describe some new experimentally verified techniques which can be used by an outside attacker to establish long range (>1 kilometer) bidirectional communication with such an airgapped computer system that contains only standard untampered hardware components.
The talk will require no prior knowledge in cryptography or cyber security. Joint work with Yuval Elovici and Moti Guri.
Note the unusual location: the Green Villa, adjacent to the TAU campus. Map: #14 (near bottom right) at http://maintenance.tau.ac.il/documents/detailed-tel-aviv-university-map-hebrew.pdf .
This talk is part of the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center's seminar series.