We consider multiparty computation (MPC) within a setting where a malicious adversary may corrupt some parties and {\it leak} information about the secret state of all honest parties. Leakage queries are chosen adaptively, throughout the protocol execution.
We show two main results.
1) We construct a MPC protocol secure against continual memory leakage, with a (necessary) one-time leak-free preprocessing phase in which the players' inputs are shared. More specifically, we prove that any malicious adversary who corrupts (1-\epsilon) fraction of all parties (for any constant \epsilon > 0) and can continuously leak information about the secret state of honest parties for an unbounded number of executions of the MPC protocol, learns nothing beyond the evaluated function values, using the classical simulation-based security definitions. Our construction is based on a number of new primitives, which can be instantiated under DDH and the existence of FHE. This result is joint with Goldwasser, Jain, and Kalai.
2) We construct a UC-secure protocol for computing any efficient function f, without any leak-free stage, with the weaker guarantee that an adversary who corrupts any subset of parties and leaks L bits on the secret states of honest parties learns nothing beyond the function output and L bits of information about the inputs. The construction relies on the linear assumption over bilinear groups. This result is joint with Goldwasser, Kalai, Jain, Garg and Sahai.