Job scheduling on parallel machines is a well-studied singleton congestion game. We consider a variant of this game in which the jobs are partitioned into competition sets, and the goal of every player is to minimize the completion time of his job relative to his competitors. Speciffcally, the primary goal of a player is to minimize the rank of its completion time among his competitors, while minimizing the completion time itself is a secondary objective. This fits environments with strong competition among the participants, in which the relative performance of the players determine their welfare. We define and study the corresponding race scheduling game (RSG). We show that RSGs are signiffcantly different from classical job-scheduling games, and that competition may lead to a poor outcome. In particular, an RSG need not have a pure Nash equilibrium, and best-response dynamics may not converge to a NE even if one exists. We identify several natural classes of games, on identical and on related machines, for which a NE exists and can be computed efficiently, and we present tight bounds on the equilibrium ineffciencies. For some classes we prove convergence of BRD, while for others, even with very limited competition, BRD may loop. Among classes for which a NE is not guaranteed to exist, we distinguish between classes for which, it is tractable or NP-hard to decide if a given instance has a NE. Striving for stability, we also study the Nashification cost of RSGs, either by adding dummy jobs, or by compensating jobs for having high rank. Our analysis provides insights and initial results for several other congestion and cost-sharing games that have a natural `race' variant.