With the great promise of the data-science revolution, a major open question is whether the underlying models are efficient and trustworthy, especially when deployed in complex real-world settings. In this talk I will show how these challenges can be approached from a data-driven perspective, relying on the geometry and the statistical patterns hidden in the data to establish strong notions of robustness and reliability. In the first part I will present several geometry-based methods for extracting intrinsic representations from noisy multi-path and multi-source acoustic measurements. These representations simplify intricate physical acoustic models and provide the key for deriving robust and efficient audio processing tools. Specifically, I will present methodologies for structured multi-view fusion, learning dynamics over manifolds, hybrid data-driven and classical inference, and simplex representations for source separation. In the second part I will focus on statistical tools for uncertainty quantification and control of complex machine learning models. I will present a new framework for selecting model configurations that provably satisfy multiple explicit and simultaneous statistical guarantees, while also optimizing any number of additional, unconstrained objectives. The method combines multi-objective optimization and statistical testing, creating a framework that is both computationally and statistically efficient, even when the configuration space is combinatorially large. I will show how this method can reliably and adaptively solve the timely problem of long inference times of large-scale Transformer models for text classification under various user-defined performance specifications.
Bracha Laufer Goldshtein is a Postdoctoral Associate at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligent Lab, working with Prof. Tommi Jaakkola and Prof. Regina Barzilay on reliability and efficiency of machine learning models. She finished her PhD (joint MSc-PhD track) in 2020 at the Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, advised by Prof. Sharon Gannot (Bar-Ilan) and Prof. Ronen Talmon (Technion). Her thesis focused on geometric methods for audio processing, and part of it was published as a survey monograph in ``Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing". She received her BSc (summa cum laude) in Electrical Engineering, Bar-Ilan University in 2013.
Bracha is the recipient of several fellowships and awards, including the Adams PhD Fellowship by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Wolf Foundation Prize for PhD Students, the Israeli Council of Higher Education Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Science, the Technion Viterbi Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences.
Her research has a strong emphasis on both theoretical depth and practical relevance, and lies in the interplay of classical signal processing, modern machine learning, geometric data-analysis and statistics. Her goal is to deploy a wide range of solid mathematical tools for developing robust and confidence-aware methods with practical applications to speech, language and biological data.